Culture Unstained is a research, engagement and campaigning organisation which aims to end fossil fuel sponsorship of culture. Find out more about our Science Museum campaign here.
Jubilee movement is a grassroots movement building local mutual aid networks to fight against the cost of living crisis, the climate crisis, and the social crises created by capitalism today.
London Mining Network is an alliance of human rights, development, environmental and solidarity groups. We work for human rights, including the rights of Indigenous Peoples and workers, and sustainable development in communities around the world affected by the activities of mining companies based in or funded from London.
UKSCN London is a group of young people who have come together to fight for climate justice. We come from across the city and a range of backgrounds and experiences, but we are united by a commitment to creating a world where everyone can live safely. We are part of the UK Student Climate Network and national Youth Strike For Climate movement. Are you a young person aged under 22 who wants to join us? Get in touch!
South Asia Solidarity Group (SASG) is an anti-imperialist, anti-racist organization based in Britain. We are committed to supporting, publicising, and building solidarity with people’s struggles for justice and democracy and against exploitation, gender and caste based oppression, imperialism, war and the so-called ‘war on terror’ in the countries of South Asia.
International Solidarity for Academic Freedom in India (InSAF India) aims to highlight the assaults on academic freedom in India, in particular the attacks on anti-caste academics and scholars from minority backgrounds. We consider it our obligation to raise our voices and participate in various actions to direct international attention to the infringements on academic freedom both within and outside of India. We stand against the proliferation of anti-intellectual and regressive political thinking in the name of a narrowly conceived Indian culture and history.
We are scientists who agree with Extinction Rebellion that it is time to take direct action to confront catastrophic climate and ecological breakdown. We come from across the spectrum of scientific disciplines and believe we have a moral duty not just to document the natural world, but also to help protect it. Get in touch.

Scientists Warning Foundation, working in cooperation with The Alliance of World Scientists (AWS), is a non-profit organization made up of an activist network of researchers, scientists, and global citizen scientists. It is dedicated to bringing people together in order to unite behind the science.
XR Hammersmith and Fulham is part of Extinction Rebellion, a social movement which uses non-violent civil disobedience and outreach to inspire systemic changes that will mitigate climate breakdown and biodiversity loss. We come together with a motivation to join our energies and take action to address this crisis. We set up our group in early March 2019 – it’s one of hundreds of local groups that make up XR! We meet every Tuesday evening, get involved by emailing
Mothers' Rebellion for Climate Justice is a movement of women in a growing global community on six continents. We will not give up the fight for a sustainable present and future for the current and coming generations. We want to be able to look our children into the eyes and say that we truly do all that we can. We turn our grief and frustration over the lack of a powerful, transformative response from our politicians and leaders into action.

India Labour Solidarity (ILS) is a UK-based diasporic South Asian collective promoting solidarity between workers and their trade union and labour movements in the UK and India.
We are Teachers, Academics and Educators demanding action on the Climate and Ecological Emergency. XR Educators was set up as a community group within Extinction Rebellion in early 2019 after an action at the Department for Education to protest the fact that the climate and ecological emergency is hardly mentioned in the national curriculum.